Top Tips For Beginners To Get To Grips With Wakeboarding

Top Tips For Beginners To Get To Grips With Wakeboarding

If you thought that the thrills and spills of wakeboarding were only for the seriously sporty, you will be surprised at just how easy it is to learn the basics. Don’t be put off by seasoned pros showing off high speed tricks; you can learn at your own pace and you will soon be buzzing from your first successful surf. Here are some basic tips for beginners.

Boat V Cable

You’ve probably seen people being towed by a boat or a jet ski as they surf the wake in a lake or the sea. This obviously means that you will need to have access to a boat, a permit and someone with a licence to operate it. The boat means you will have more control over the speed and the duration of your wakeboarding session.

Cable wakeboarding means that you either grab a tow rope attached to an overhead cable, or you are attached to a tower cable by a tow line. This means that you will be learning in a safe environment overseen by an instructor and lifeguard, but you will have less control over the speed. If you fall when using an overhead cable, you need to swim back to the start.

Wakeboard type

It’s recommended that beginners use longer wakeboards that are easier to control and more stable. The board should be able to easily support your weight and height. Beginners tend to use boards with a continuous rocker (a smooth curve from tip to tail) for better stability.

Getting up on the board

Getting on the board for the first time can be tricky, so relax and be prepared to try a few times. Start by lying on your back in the water with bent knees, and grip the handle. The force of the boat should gradually pull you to your feet on top of the board. Wait until you are fully supported by the pull before standing upright.

Once standing on the board, place one foot forward (right foot forward is a ‘goofy’ stance; left foot is a ‘regular’ stance.) To turn the board, you will need to learn to shift your weight and body position. 

Safety first

As a beginner, it is inevitable that you are going to fall into the water, probably many times! The key is to take it all in your stride and get back up there..however If you have built up a bit of speed, hitting the water can hurt, and there is the risk of accidental knocks if you hit the board or a passing object. 

Therefore it’s recommended that you wear a wakeboard impact vest to protect your upper body and also provide extra buoyancy in the water. Look for a breathable material and a close fit that will not restrict your movement. You may also want to wear a helmet. 

Establish hand signals such as thumbs up and down to communicate with the people in the boat, and always be aware of other people using the water.